What up
so i dont really have alot of time to write. there isnt really places here in brava to use internet. we found one place but the internet wasnt working. the owner of the place was nice enough to bring us to his house and let us use his laptop. its kinda wierd how generous some people are. he was just like ya sorry the internet is not up but you can come to my house and use mine real quick. so i will just give you the low down.
brava is tight. thats all there is to it. but that doesnt necisarily mean that i like it. its like a whole new Patim again. the boat ride was ridiculous. one straight hour of swaying back and forth. i got really sick. lost my appetite. which still hasnt come back. i have a feeling i will lose some weight on this island. i am really excited to go back out on the boat again tomorrow to go to zone conference in fogo. it will be aight. there are very few people here in brava, like 6000. but there are only like 25 active members half of them are kids under 12. there is seriously alot of work to do here. its gonna be difficult. i say it like patim again because all we do is knock doors. like yessterday in itself we knocked like 50 doors. dont like it. i thought i was gonna get here and since it has been 2 years with out missionaries all the members were gonna give us like hundreds of references. ha what was i thinking. man i was so wrong. the people really arent super interested here. alot of them speak english because they either have been to america or have family there. so i have been practicing up my english too. as far as food goes. there aint nothing to eat here. i will really miss praia because of the good selection of food. rice everyday dont fly with me. the house is alright except the shower sucks and i have to wash my own clothes by hand. thats cool psh....get that corn out of my face.
welp gotta go before this dude gets mad. oh, my companion is from santo antao. well im outta here. until next week. love elder c dizzle
fica no manso manso
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